Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Viktor Shokin is fired after it is demanded by Vice President Joseph Biden. The demand for that firing in contrast to needed aid for Ukraine’s defense was attributed to Shokin’s failure to fight corruption.

  • Biden, Joseph R., Jr.
    U.S. Vice President, January 2009-January 2017

  • Blair, Robert B.
    Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff, February 2019-present

  • Cipollone, Pat
    White House Counsel, December 2018-present

  • Kellogg, Keith
    National Security Advisor to the Vice President, April 2018- present

  • Mulvaney, John
    Michael Acting Chief of Staff, White House, January 2019-present “Mick”

  • Pence, Michael R.
    Vice President, January 2017-present

  • Purpura, Michael
    Deputy Counsel to the President, December 2018-present

  • Short, Marc
    Chief of Staff to Vice President Mike Pence, February 2019- present

  • Trump, Donald J.
    U.S. President, January 2017-present

  • Williams, Jennifer
    Special Advisor for Europe and Russia, Office of the Vice President, April 2019-present


  • Bolton, John
    National Security Advisor, March 2018-September 2019

  • Eisenberg, John
    Legal Advisor to the National Security Council and Deputy Counsel to the President for National Security Affairs, February 2017-present

  • Ellis, Michael
    Senior Associate Counsel to the President and Deputy Legal Advisor to the National Security Council, March 2017-present

  • Griffith, P. Wells
    Senior Director for International Energy and Environment, National Security Council, April 2018-present

  • Hill, Fiona
    Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Director for European and Russian Affairs, National Security Council, April 2017-July 2019

  • Kellogg, Keith
    National Security Advisor to the Vice President, April 2018- present

  • Kupperman, Charles M.
    Deputy National Security Advisor, January 2019-September 2019

  • Morrison, Tim
    Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security, National Security Council, July 2019-October 2019

  • Patel, Kashyap “Kash”
    Senior Director for Counterterrorism, National Security Council, July 2019-present; former Staff, Directorate of International Organizations and Alliances, National Security Council, February 2019-July 2019; former National Security Advisor, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, March 2018-January 2019; former Senior Counsel for Counterterrorism, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, April 2017-March 2018

  • Vindman, Alexander S. Director for Ukraine, National Security Council, July 2018- present; Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army


  • Anderson, Christopher J.
    Special Advisor for Ukraine Negotiations, Department of State, August 2017-July 2019
  • Brechbuhl, T. Ulrich
    Counselor, Department of State, May 2018-present
  • Bulatao, Brian
    Under Secretary of State for Management, Department of State, May 2019-present
  • Cooper, Laura K.
    Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, Eurasia, Department of Defense, 2016-present
  • Croft, Catherine M.
    Special Advisor for Ukraine Negotiations, Department of State, July 2019-present; Ukraine director, National Security Council, July 2017-July 2018
  • Hale, David M.
    Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Department of State, August 2018-present
  • Holmes, David A.
    Political Counselor, U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine, August 2017- present
  • Kenna, Lisa D.
    Executive Secretary in the Office of the Secretary, Department of State, June 2017-present
  • McKinley, P. Michael
    Senior Advisor to the Secretary, Department of State, May 2018- October 2019
  • Pennington, Joseph
    Chargé d’Affaires, of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, May 2019
  • Pompeo, Michael
    Secretary of State, April 2018-present
  • Reeker, Philip T.
    Acting Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, Department of State, March 2019-present
  • Sondland, Gordon
    U.S. Ambassador to the European Union, July 2018-present
  • String, Marik
    Acting Legal Advisor, Office of the Legal Advisor, Department of State, June 2019-present
  • Sullivan, John J.
    Deputy Secretary of State, Department of State, June 2017-present
  • Taylor, William B., Jr.
    Chargé d’Affaires for the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2019-present
  • Yovanovitch, Marie L.
    U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, August 2016-May 2019 Zakaria, Fareed Host, Fareed


  • Cooper, Laura K.
    Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, Eurasia, Department of Defense, 2016-present
  • Esper, Mark
    Secretary of Defense, Department of Defense, July 2019-present; Acting Secretary of Defense, June 2019-July 2019
  • McKusker, Elaine A.
    Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), Department of Defense, August 2017-present
  • Rood, John C.
    Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Department of Defense, January 2018-present


  • Atkinson, Michael K.
    Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, May 2018- present
  • Elwood, Courtney Simmons
    General Counsel, Central Intelligence Agency, June 2017-present
  • Klitenic, Jason
    General Counsel, Office of the Director of National Intelligence
  • Maguire, Joseph
    Acting Director of National Intelligence, August 2019-present
  • Whistleblower
    Author of complaint declassified by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on September 25, 2019


  • Barr, William P.
    Attorney General, Department of Justice, February 2019-presentnt
  • Engel, Steven A.
    Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, Department of Justice, November 2017-present
  • Mueller, Robert S., III
    Special Counsel, Department of Justice, May 2017-May 2019


  • Hannity, Sean
    Host of Hannity, Fox News, January 2009-present
  • Solomon, John
    Author of articles promoting debunked conspiracy theories about the Bidens, Crowdstrike, and the 2016 U.S. election
  • Zakaria
    GPS, June 2008-present


  • diGenova, Joseph
    Attorney allegedly working for President Trump to obtain information from Ukrainian officials on the Bidens

  • Fruman, Igor
    Giuliani associate named in indictment unsealed on October 10, 2019

  • Giuliani, Rudolph “Rudy”
    President Trump’s agent and personal attorney

  • Parnas, Lev
    Giuliani associate named in indictment unsealed on October 10, 2019

  • Sekulow, Jay
    Personal attorney for President Trump

  • Toensing, Victoria
    Attorney allegedly working “off the books” for President Trump to obtain information from Ukrainian officials on the Bidens

  • Trump, Donald J., Jr.
    Son of President Trump



  • Avakov, Arsen
    Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs, February 2014-present

  • Bakanov, Ivan
    Head of Security Service of Ukraine, August 2019-present; First Deputy Chief of the Security Service of Ukraine, May 2019- August 2019

  • Bohdan (Bogdan), Andriy
    Head of Ukrainian Presidential Administration, May 2019-present

  • Burisma Holdings
    Ukrainian energy company

  • Danyliuk (Danylyuk),
    Secretary, Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council, Oleksandr “Sasha” May 2019-September 2019

  • Kholodnitsky, Nazar
    Head, Ukrainian Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, November 2015-present

  • Kulyk, Konstiantyn
    Deputy Head of the Ukrainian Department of International Legal Cooperation of the Prosecutor General’s Office, November 2018- November 2019

  • Lutsenko, Yuriy
    Ukrainian Prosecutor General, May 2016-August 2019

  • Naftogaz
    Ukrainian state-owned national gas company

  • Poroshenko, Petro
    President of Ukraine, June 2014-May 2019

  • Shokin, Viktor
    Ukrainian Prosecutor General of Ukraine, February 2015-March 2016

  • Zelensky, Volodymyr
    President of Ukraine, May 2019-present
  • Anderson, Christopher J. Special Advisor for Ukraine Negotiations, Department of State, August 2017-July 2019
  • Atkinson, Michael K. Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, May 2018- present
  • Avakov, Arsen Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs, February 2014-present
  • Bakanov, Ivan Head of Security Service of Ukraine, August 2019-present; First Deputy Chief of the Security Service of Ukraine, May 2019- August 2019
  • Barr, William P. Attorney General, Department of Justice, February 2019-present
  • Biden, Hunter Son of former Vice President Joe Biden
  • Biden, Joseph R., Jr. U.S. Vice President, January 2009-January 2017
  • Blair, Robert B. Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff, February 2019-present
  • Bohdan (Bogdan), Andriy Head of Ukrainian Presidential Administration, May 2019-present
  • Bolton, John National Security Advisor, March 2018-September 2019
  • Brechbuhl, T. Ulrich Counselor, Department of State, May 2018-present
  • Bulatao, Brian Under Secretary of State for Management, Department of State, May 2019-present
  • Burisma Holdings Ukrainian energy company
  • Cipollone, Pat White House Counsel, December 2018-present
  • Clinton, Hillary Rodham Democratic Presidential candidate, November 2016
  • Cooper, Laura K. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, Eurasia, Department of Defense, 2016-present
  • Croft, Catherine M. Special Advisor for Ukraine Negotiations, Department of State, July 2019-present; Ukraine director, National Security Council, July 2017-July 2018
  • CrowdStrike Cybersecurity company; object of conspiracy theories claiming that CrowdStrike framed Russia in hack of the DNC server in the 2016 U.S. election
  • Danyliuk (Danylyuk), Secretary, Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council, Oleksandr “Sasha” May 2019-September 2019
  • diGenova, Joseph Attorney allegedly working for President Trump to obtain information from Ukrainian officials on the Bidens
  • Duffey, Michael Associate Director, National Security Programs, Office of Management and Budget, May 2019-present
  • Eisenberg, John Legal Advisor to the National Security Council and Deputy Counsel to the President for National Security Affairs, February 2017-present
  • Ellis, Michael Senior Associate Counsel to the President and Deputy Legal Advisor to the National Security Council, March 2017-present
  • Elwood, Courtney Simmons General Counsel, Central Intelligence Agency, June 2017-present
  • Engel, Steven A. Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, Department of Justice, November 2017-present
  • Esper, Mark Secretary of Defense, Department of Defense, July 2019-present; Acting Secretary of Defense, June 2019-July 2019
  • Fruman, Igor Giuliani associate named in indictment unsealed on October 10, 2019
  • Giuliani, Rudolph “Rudy” President Trump’s agent and personal attorney
  • Griffith, P. Wells Senior Director for International Energy and Environment, National Security Council, April 2018-present
  • Hale, David M. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Department of State, August 2018-present
  • Hannity, Sean Host of Hannity, Fox News, January 2009-present
  • Hill, Fiona Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Director for European and Russian Affairs, National Security Council, April 2017-July 2019
  • Hochstein, Amos J. Supervisory Board Member, Naftogaz, November 2017-present
  • Holmes, David A. Political Counselor, U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine, August 2017- present
  • Johnson, Ron Senator from Wisconsin, Chairman, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, January 2015-present
  • Kellogg, Keith National Security Advisor to the Vice President, April 2018- present
  • Kenna, Lisa D. Executive Secretary in the Office of the Secretary, Department of State, June 2017-present
  • Kent, George P. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, September 2018-present; Deputy Chief of Mission in Kyiv, Ukraine, 2015-2018
  • Kholodnitsky, Nazar Head, Ukrainian Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, November 2015-present
  • Klitenic, Jason General Counsel, Office of the Director of National Intelligence
  • Kulyk, Konstiantyn Deputy Head of the Ukrainian Department of International Legal Cooperation of the Prosecutor General’s Office, November 2018- November 2019
  • Kupperman, Charles M. Deputy National Security Advisor, January 2019-September 2019
  • Kushner, Jared Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor, 2017-present
  • Kvien, Kristina Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, May 2019- present
  • Lutsenko, Yuriy Ukrainian Prosecutor General, May 2016-August 2019
  • McCormack, Brian Associate Director for Natural Resources, Office of Management and Budget, September 2019-present; Chief of Staff, Department of Energy, March 2017-September 2019
  • McKinley, P. Michael Senior Advisor to the Secretary, Department of State, May 2018- October 2019
  • McKusker, Elaine A. Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), Department of Defense, August 2017-present
  • Maguire, Joseph Acting Director of National Intelligence, August 2019-present
  • Manafort, Paul Chairman, Donald J. Trump presidential campaign, May 2016- August 2016; convicted in August 2018 on two counts of bank fraud, five counts of tax fraud, and one count of failure to disclose a foreign bank account
  • Morrison, Tim Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security, National Security Council, July 2019-October 2019
  • Mueller, Robert S., III Special Counsel, Department of Justice, May 2017-May 2019
  • Mulvaney, John Michael Acting Chief of Staff, White House, January 2019-present “Mick”
  • Murphy, Chris Senator from Connecticut, Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Near East, South Asia, Central Asia, and Counterterrorism, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, formerly Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, January 2017-January 2019
  • Naftogaz Ukrainian state-owned national gas company
  • Parnas, Lev Giuliani associate named in indictment unsealed on October 10, 2019
  • Patel, Kashyap “Kash” Senior Director for Counterterrorism, National Security Council, July 2019-present; former Staff, Directorate of International Organizations and Alliances, National Security Council, February 2019-July 2019; former National Security Advisor, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, March 2018-January 2019; former Senior Counsel for Counterterrorism, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, April 2017-March 2018
  • Pence, Michael R. Vice President, January 2017-present
  • Pennington, Joseph Chargé d’Affaires, of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, May 2019
  • Perez, Carol Z. Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Human Services, January 2019-present
  • Perry, James Richard “Rick” Secretary of Energy, March 2017-December 2019
  • Pompeo, Michael Secretary of State, April 2018-present
  • Poroshenko, Petro President of Ukraine, June 2014-May 2019
  • Portman, Robert U.S. Senator from Ohio, January 2011-present; Chairman, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, January 2015- present
  • Purpura, Michael Deputy Counsel to the President, December 2018-present
  • Putin, Vladimir Russian President, May 2012-present
  • Reeker, Philip T. Acting Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, Department of State, March 2019-present
  • Rood, John C. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Department of Defense, January 2018-present
  • Sandy, Mark Deputy Associate Director for National Security at the Office of Management and Budget, December 2013-present; Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget, January 2017-February 2017
  • Sekulow, Jay Personal attorney for President Trump
  • Shokin, Viktor Ukrainian Prosecutor General of Ukraine, February 2015-March 2016
  • Short, Marc Chief of Staff to Vice President Mike Pence, February 2019- present
  • Solomon, John Author of articles promoting debunked conspiracy theories about the Bidens, Crowdstrike, and the 2016 U.S. election
  • Sondland, Gordon U.S. Ambassador to the European Union, July 2018-present
  • String, Marik Acting Legal Advisor, Office of the Legal Advisor, Department of State, June 2019-present
  • Sullivan, John J. Deputy Secretary of State, Department of State, June 2017-present
  • Taylor, William B., Jr. Chargé d’Affaires for the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2019-present
  • “Three Amigos” Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, Ambassador Gordon Sondland, and Ambassador Kurt Volker
  • Toensing, Victoria Attorney allegedly working “off the books” for President Trump to obtain information from Ukrainian officials on the Bidens
  • Trump, Donald J. U.S. President, January 2017-present
  • Trump, Donald J., Jr. Son of President Trump
  • Vindman, Alexander S. Director for Ukraine, National Security Council, July 2018- present; Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army
  • Volker, Kurt U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations, Department of State, July 2017-September 2019
  • Vought, Russell T. Acting Director, Office of Management and Budget, January 2019- present
  • Whistleblower Author of complaint declassified by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on September 25, 2019
  • Williams, Jennifer Special Advisor for Europe and Russia, Office of the Vice President, April 2019-present
  • Yermak, Andriy Assistant to the President of Ukraine, May 2019-present
  • Yovanovitch, Marie L. U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, August 2016-May 2019 Zakaria, Fareed Host, Fareed
  • Zakaria GPS, June 2008-present
  • Zelensky, Volodymyr President of Ukraine, May 2019-present