UNIT 26165
GRU Hacking Unit 26165 aka “Fancy Bear”, Operation Pawn Storm, APT28
85th Special Service Center
20 Komsomolskiy Prospekt
(same location for Military Unit 06410-152nd Training Center)
also site for GRU-Service of Decryption-Original 26165-Created
Related to Sixth Directorate (SIGINT)
The Unit is commanded by Koval Nikolay Nesterovich. The Unit was created on August 27, 1943. It was not conceived as a cyber field.
Up to 2018, Viktor Borisovich Netyksho was the Chief Colonel.
Commander for 26165-Col. Dmitry Alexandrovich Mikhailov.
The 26165, has two units
CNE-Computer Network Exploitation-Espionage-Recon Operations- Steal Data from System, Obtain intelligence about network.
See: Flame-Massive spy tool
See: Regin – European Commission – Belgium’s Belgacom-GCHQ
CNA-Damage, destroy, disrupt
Ukraine December 2015
Unit 26165 Members
Aleksei Sergeyevich Morenets
Evgenii Mikhaylovich Serebriakov
Accused by Dutch – With Unit 22177 members
Organization Structure
The Boris Antonov Group
The Intrusion Group
Boris Badin
Ivan Yermakov
Aleksey Lukashev
The Sergey Morgachev Group
Nikolay Kozachek
Pavel Yershov
Artem Malyshev